๐Ÿ’พ - Metadata

All the NFTs in the Playerself Ecosystem must follow the standard metadata structure in order to be supported by our marketplace or other platforms such as OpenSea.

Metadata structure

  "description": "NFT long description", 
  "external_url": "Optional external url", 
  "image": "https://ipfs.url/IPFS_HASH", 
  "name": "NFT name",
  "attributes": [ ... ], 
  "animation_url": "Link to .mp4 video in 4K",
  "glb_url": "Link to GLB asset",
  "usdz_url": "Link to USDZ asset"


Human readable description for the NFT


NFT short name


URL for the NFT image, must be an IPFS url


Optional external URL to link the asset to an external resource, such as the creator website


URL of the NFT .mp4 video in 4k quality


URL of the NFT GLB asset (used for 3D, AR and VR)


URL of the NFT USDZ asset (used for AR purposes on iOS devices)


List containing all the NFT attributes, described in the next paragraph


The metadata attributes are some extra data that we attach to our NFTs, like the collection name, the partner/brand that is linked to that token, and so on and so forth.

Here you can see an example of attributes list in JSON format:

"attributes": [
      "trait_type": "Collection", 
      "value": "Founders Edition"
      "trait_type": "Season", 
      "value": "2022"
      "trait_type": "Partner", 
      "value": "Partner name"

The trait_type key defines the name of the attribute and value its value, of course.

Soon we'll implement support for custom display_type such as "number", "boost_number" or "boost_percentage" like OpenSea does.


We encourage the storage of NFT metadata in decentralised file networks such as IPFS, in order to stop centralised entities modifying the data.

If you use IPFS to host your metadata, your URL should be in the format ipfs://<hash>. For example, ipfs://QmTy8w65yBXgyfG2ZBg5TrfB2hPjrDQH3RCQFJGkARStJb.

Last updated