๐Ÿฆ - Playerself Auctions

The core Smart Contract for the Playerself Plaza (aka our NFT marketplace) is the PlayerselfAuction contract.

This contract allows users to open, manage and participate in auctions and sales inside our ecosystem. Let's see the struct that these two types share and then we'll go into details on how they work and how they differ from each other.

struct Auction {
    uint256 bidIncreasePercentage;
    uint32 auctionBidPeriod;
    uint64 auctionEnd;
    uint256 minPrice;
    uint256 buyNowPrice;
    uint256 nftHighestBid;
    address nftHighestBidder;
    address nftSeller;
    address whitelistedBuyer;
    address nftAddress;
    uint256[] tokenIds;
    address[] feeRecipients;
    uint256[] feePercentages;

Let's analyse the parameters one by one:

  1. bidIncreasePercentage (auctions only)

    • This parameter defines the minimum increase in percentage between bids; eg. if the current bid is 1 MATIC and this parameter is set to 1e16 (aka 1%), the next bid must be at least of 1.01 MATIC. If the parameter is not set during the auction creation, then the default one is used (1%).

  2. auctionBidPeriod (auctions only)

    • If a bid is being made when the time left in the auction is less than the value provided in this parameter, then the auction end is set to this value; eg. if 30 minutes are left and a bid is being placed, the auction duration is postponed by another 30 minutes.

  3. auctionEnd (auctions only)

    • Timestamp when the auction will end, affected by the parameter above.

  4. minPrice (auctions only)

    • Minimum start price of the auction, it must be defined and greater than 0.

  5. buyNowPrice

    • If the parameter belongs to an auction, it defines the maximum price that an auction can reach; if belongs to a sale, instead, it's the price at which you can buy the NFTs.

  6. nftHighestBid (auctions only)

    • The current highest bid for the auction, expressed in MATIC (Ether).

  7. nftHighestBidder (auctions only)

    • The current highest bidder for the auction (address).

  8. whitelistedBuyer (sales only)

    • If this parameter is provided, than the sale is considered "private" and only the given address can buy the NFTs inside.

  9. nftAddress

    • Address of the NFT contract that is being sold; it must be enabled in the PlayerselfRegistry contract.

  10. tokenIds

    • Array of token ids that are being sold in the auction/sale: yes, we support multiple NFTs in the same auction/sale.

  11. feeRecipients

    • Custom fee recipients for the auction/sale; it's an array of addresses that will receive a fee on the auction/sale when it's fulfilled. The length of this array must match the array below.

  12. feePercentages

    • Custom fee percentages for the auction/sale, expressed in MATIC (Ether); the length of this array must match the array above. The i-th fee recipient will receive the i-th fee percentage.

The only "power" that the contract deployer has is the capability to allow an address, for a given NFT contract address, to split 50%/50% the fees for all the tokens of that "collection": this allows us to share the revenues on the secondary market with the content creator.


This is the typical auction that it's open for a certain period of time (defined by the creator) and allows people to overbid each other; they have a user-defined duration and can scale in price to infinity. You can set a maximum price.


This kind of auction, instead, is for "one-shot" selling: you define a price, eg. 50 MATIC, and sell for that amount. No duration, but you can set a whitelisted buyer to sell the NFTs to a friend of yours.


This is the implementation of the PlayerselfAuction contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol";
import "./interfaces/IPlayerselfRegistry.sol";

 * @title Playerself auctions/sales contract
 * @author Playerself srl developers
 * @notice This contract allows wallets to open, manage and partecipate in auctions and sales
contract PlayerselfAuction is IERC721Receiver, IERC1155Receiver {
    address private _owner;
    mapping(bytes32 => Auction) public nftAuctions;
    mapping(address => uint256) public failedTransferCredits;
    mapping(address => address) public _splitFeeRecipients;
    struct Auction {
        uint256 bidIncreasePercentage;
        uint32 auctionBidPeriod;
        uint64 auctionEnd;
        uint256 minPrice;
        uint256 buyNowPrice;
        uint256 nftHighestBid;
        address nftHighestBidder;
        address nftSeller;
        address whitelistedBuyer;
        address nftAddress;
        uint256[] tokenIds;
        address[] feeRecipients;
        uint256[] feePercentages;
    /** Public attributes **/
    uint256 public defaultBidIncreasePercentage;
    uint256 public minimumSettableIncreasePercentage;
    uint32 public defaultAuctionBidPeriod;
    IPlayerselfRegistry public registry;
    address private _defaultFeeRecipient;
    uint256 private _defaultFee;
     * @notice Creates a new instance of the PlayerselfAuction contract
     * @param _registry PlayerselfRegistry contract address
     * @param defaultFeeRecipient default base fee recipient
     * @param defaultFee default base fee (eg. 1% = 1e16)
    constructor(address _registry, address defaultFeeRecipient, uint256 defaultFee) {
        require(_registry != address(0), "NFT address cannot be address(0).");
        defaultBidIncreasePercentage = 1e16;
        defaultAuctionBidPeriod = 86400; // 1 day
        minimumSettableIncreasePercentage = 1e16;
        registry = IPlayerselfRegistry(_registry);
        _defaultFeeRecipient = defaultFeeRecipient;
        _defaultFee = defaultFee;
        _owner = msg.sender;
    /** Events **/
    event NftAuctionCreated(address indexed nftSeller, address indexed contractAddress, bytes32 auctionHash);
    event NftAuctionPeriodUpdated(bytes32 indexed hash, uint64 auctionEnd);
    event NftAuctionWithdrawn(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed nftSeller);
    event NftAuctionSettled(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed nftSeller);
    event NftSaleCreated(address indexed nftSeller, address indexed contractAddress, bytes32 saleHash);
    event NftSold(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed nftBuyer, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256 amount, address contractAddress);
    event BidMade(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint256 amount);
    event WhitelistedBuyerUpdated(bytes32 indexed hash, address newWhitelistedBuyer);
    event MinimumPriceUpdated(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 newMinPrice);
    event BuyNowPriceUpdated(bytes32 indexed hash, uint256 newBuyNowPrice);
    event HighestBidTaken(bytes32 indexed hash);
    /** Modifiers **/
    modifier acceptanceCheck(address _nftAddress, uint256[] memory _tokenIds) {
        require(_nftAddress != address(0), "Invalid NFT address.");
        require(registry.isSupported(_nftAddress), "Token not supported.");
        require(_tokenIds.length > 0, "No tokens provided.");
        bytes32 auctionHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _tokenIds, block.timestamp));
            nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftSeller == address(0),
            "Auction already exists."
        IPlayerselfRegistry.NFT memory _nft = registry.getNFT(_nftAddress);
        if (_nft.supportsBatch) {
            address[] memory addresses = new address[](_tokenIds.length);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenIds.length; i++) {
                addresses[i] = msg.sender;
            uint256[] memory balances = IERC1155(_nftAddress).balanceOfBatch(addresses, _tokenIds);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < balances.length; i++) {
                require(balances[i] > 0, "Sender does not own the NFT.");
            IERC1155(_nftAddress).safeBatchTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenIds, balances, "");
        } else {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenIds.length; i++) {
                address owner = IERC721(_nftAddress).ownerOf(_tokenIds[i]);
                require(owner == msg.sender, "Sender does not own the NFT.");
                IERC721(_nftAddress).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenIds[i]);

    modifier auctionExists(bytes32 hash) {
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller != address(0) && nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length > 0, "Auction does not exist.");

    modifier auctionNotExists(bytes32 hash) {
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller == address(0), "Auction already exists.");

    modifier sellerOnly(bytes32 hash) {
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller == msg.sender, "Unauthorized.");
    /** Getter **/
    function getTokensAndFees(bytes32 hash) public view returns (uint256[] memory, address[] memory, uint256[] memory) {
        return (nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds, nftAuctions[hash].feeRecipients, nftAuctions[hash].feePercentages);

    /** Setter */
    function setFeeRecipient(address nftAddress, address feeRecipient) external {
        require(msg.sender == _owner, "Unauthorized.");
        require(nftAddress != address(0) && feeRecipient != address(0), "Invalid address.");
        _splitFeeRecipients[nftAddress] = feeRecipient;

    receive () external payable {}
    /** Auctions **/

     * @notice Internal function used to setup an auction
     * @dev Makes the basics checks for an auction and then sets the auction in the private mapping above
     * @param auctionHash hash of the auction
     * @param _nftAddress address of the NFT contract (must be registered on the PlayerselfRegistry contract)
     * @param _tokenIds array of token ids from the NFT contract that are being sold
     * @param _minPrice minimum price for the auction (must be greater than 0)
     * @param _buyNowPrice instant buy now price for the auction (must be 0 or greater than the _minPrice)
     * @param _auctionDuration duration of the auction (in seconds)
     * @param _auctionBidPeriod period between bids (in seconds) - if the current duration is lower than this value, the auction duration is set to its auction bid period
     * @param _bidIncreasePercentage increase percentage between bids
     * @param _feeRecipients array with the fee recipients (index matching the fee percentages below)
     * @param _feePercentages array with the fee percentages (index matching the fee recipients above)
    function _setupAuction(
        bytes32 auctionHash,
        address _nftAddress,
        uint256[] memory _tokenIds,
        uint256 _minPrice,
        uint256 _buyNowPrice,
        uint64 _auctionDuration,
        uint32 _auctionBidPeriod,
        uint256 _bidIncreasePercentage,
        address[] memory _feeRecipients,
        uint256[] memory _feePercentages
    ) internal auctionNotExists(auctionHash) {
        // Perform checks on the given data
        require(_minPrice > 0, "Min price must be greater than 0.");
        require(_buyNowPrice == 0 || _buyNowPrice >= _minPrice, "Invalid buy now price.");
        require(_feeRecipients.length == _feePercentages.length, "Invalid fees.");
        require(_bidIncreasePercentage == 0 || _bidIncreasePercentage >= minimumSettableIncreasePercentage, "Bid increase percentage too low.");
        require(_auctionDuration >= defaultAuctionBidPeriod, "Invalid auction bid period.");

        (uint256[] memory percentages, address[] memory recipients) = _getRecipientsAndFees(_nftAddress, _feePercentages, _feeRecipients);
        // Create the auction
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftAddress = _nftAddress;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].tokenIds = _tokenIds;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].auctionBidPeriod = _auctionBidPeriod != 0 ? _auctionBidPeriod : defaultAuctionBidPeriod;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].bidIncreasePercentage = _bidIncreasePercentage != 0 ? _bidIncreasePercentage : defaultBidIncreasePercentage;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].feeRecipients = recipients;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].feePercentages = percentages;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].buyNowPrice = _buyNowPrice;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].auctionEnd = uint64(block.timestamp) + _auctionDuration;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].minPrice = _minPrice;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftSeller = msg.sender;
        // Emit the event
        emit NftAuctionCreated(msg.sender, _nftAddress, auctionHash);
     * @notice External function used to setup an auction
     * @dev Calls the internal function above to setup an auction
     * @param _nftAddress address of the NFT contract (must be registered on the PlayerselfRegistry contract)
     * @param _tokenIds array of token ids from the NFT contract that are being sold
     * @param _minPrice minimum price for the auction (must be greater than 0)
     * @param _buyNowPrice instant buy now price for the auction (must be 0 or greater than the _minPrice)
     * @param _auctionDuration duration of the auction (in seconds)
     * @param _auctionBidPeriod period between bids (in seconds) - if the current duration is lower than this value, the auction duration is set to its auction bid period
     * @param _bidIncreasePercentage increase percentage between bids
     * @param _feeRecipients array with the fee recipients (index matching the fee percentages below)
     * @param _feePercentages array with the fee percentages (index matching the fee recipients above)
    function createNftAuction(    
        address _nftAddress,   
        uint256[] memory _tokenIds,
        uint256 _minPrice,
        uint256 _buyNowPrice,
        uint64 _auctionDuration,
        uint32 _auctionBidPeriod,
        uint256 _bidIncreasePercentage,
        address[] memory _feeRecipients,
        uint256[] memory _feePercentages
    ) external acceptanceCheck(_nftAddress, _tokenIds) {
        bytes32 auctionHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _nftAddress, _tokenIds, block.timestamp));
        _setupAuction(auctionHash, _nftAddress, _tokenIds, _minPrice, _buyNowPrice, _auctionDuration, _auctionBidPeriod, _bidIncreasePercentage, _feeRecipients, _feePercentages);
     * @notice Internal function that updates the ongoing auction
     * @dev Transfers the NFT and pays the seller if the buy now price is met, otherwise updates the auction end
     * @param hash auction hash
    function _updateOngoingAuction(bytes32 hash) internal {
        uint256 buyNowPrice = nftAuctions[hash].buyNowPrice;
        bool buyNowPriceMet = buyNowPrice > 0 && nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid >= buyNowPrice;
        if (buyNowPriceMet) {
        uint256 minPrice = nftAuctions[hash].minPrice;
        bool minBidMade = minPrice > 0 && (nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid >= minPrice);
        if (minBidMade) {

    function _updateAuctionEnd(bytes32 hash) internal {
        uint32 auctionBidPeriod = _getAuctionBidPeriod(hash);
        if (nftAuctions[hash].auctionEnd - uint64(block.timestamp) <= auctionBidPeriod) {
            nftAuctions[hash].auctionEnd = uint64(block.timestamp) + auctionBidPeriod;
        emit NftAuctionPeriodUpdated(hash, nftAuctions[hash].auctionEnd);
    /** Sales **/
    function _setupSale(
        bytes32 saleHash,
        address _nftAddress,
        uint256[] memory _tokenIds,
        uint256 _buyNowPrice,
        address _whitelistedBuyer,
        address[] memory _feeRecipients,
        uint256[] memory _feePercentages
    ) internal auctionNotExists(saleHash) {
        require(_buyNowPrice > 0, "Buy now price must be greater than 0.");
        require(_feeRecipients.length == _feePercentages.length, "Invalid fees.");
        require(msg.sender != _whitelistedBuyer, "Whitelisted buyer matches the seller.");

        (uint256[] memory percentages, address[] memory recipients) = _getRecipientsAndFees(_nftAddress, _feePercentages, _feeRecipients);

        nftAuctions[saleHash].nftAddress = _nftAddress;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].tokenIds = _tokenIds;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].feeRecipients = recipients;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].feePercentages = percentages;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].buyNowPrice = _buyNowPrice;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].nftSeller = msg.sender;
        nftAuctions[saleHash].whitelistedBuyer = _whitelistedBuyer;
        emit NftSaleCreated(msg.sender, _nftAddress, saleHash);
    function createSale(
        address _nftAddress,
        uint256[] memory _tokenIds,
        uint256 _buyNowPrice,
        address _whitelistedBuyer,
        address[] memory _feeRecipients,
        uint256[] memory _feePercentages
        acceptanceCheck(_nftAddress, _tokenIds)
        bytes32 saleHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _nftAddress, _tokenIds, block.timestamp));
    /** Check functions **/
    function _isAuctionOngoing(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (bool) {
        uint64 auctionEndTimestamp = nftAuctions[hash].auctionEnd;
        return (auctionEndTimestamp == 0 || block.timestamp < auctionEndTimestamp);
    function _isSale(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (bool) {
        return (nftAuctions[hash].buyNowPrice > 0 && nftAuctions[hash].minPrice == 0);

    function _isWhitelistedSale(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (bool) {
        return (nftAuctions[hash].whitelistedBuyer != address(0));
    function _getAuctionBidPeriod(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (uint32) {
        uint32 auctionBidPeriod = nftAuctions[hash].auctionBidPeriod;
        if (auctionBidPeriod == 0) {
            return defaultAuctionBidPeriod;
        } else {
            return auctionBidPeriod;
    function _getBidIncreasePercentage(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 bidIncreasePercentage = nftAuctions[hash].bidIncreasePercentage;
        if (bidIncreasePercentage == 0) {
            return defaultBidIncreasePercentage;
        } else {
            return bidIncreasePercentage;
    function _bidRequirementsCheck(bytes32 hash) internal view returns (bool) {
        uint256 buyNowPrice = nftAuctions[hash].buyNowPrice;
        //if buyNowPrice is met, ignore increase percentage
        if (buyNowPrice > 0 && msg.value >= buyNowPrice) {
            return true;
        //if the NFT is up for auction, the bid needs to be a % higher than the previous bid
        uint256 bidIncreaseAmount = (nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid * (1e18 + _getBidIncreasePercentage(hash))) /1e18;
        return msg.value >= bidIncreaseAmount;
    function _getPortionOfBid(uint256 _totalBid, uint256 _percentage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return (_totalBid * (_percentage)) / 1e18;
    /** Bid functions **/
    function makeBid(bytes32 hash) external payable auctionExists(hash) {
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller != address(0), "Non-existing auction.");
        require(_isAuctionOngoing(hash), "Auction ended.");
        require(!_isWhitelistedSale(hash) || nftAuctions[hash].whitelistedBuyer == msg.sender, "Only whitelisted buyer.");
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller != msg.sender, "Bidding own auction?");
        require(msg.value > 0 && (nftAuctions[hash].minPrice == 0 || msg.value >= nftAuctions[hash].minPrice), "Invalid payment.");
        emit BidMade(hash, msg.sender, msg.value);
    /** Transfer functions **/
    function _transferNftAndPaySeller(bytes32 hash) internal {
        address _nftHighestBidder = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBidder;
        uint256 _nftHighestBid = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid;
        uint256 feesPaid;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftAuctions[hash].feeRecipients.length; i++) {
            uint256 fee = _getPortionOfBid(_nftHighestBid, nftAuctions[hash].feePercentages[i]);
            feesPaid = feesPaid + fee;
            _payout(nftAuctions[hash].feeRecipients[i], fee);
        emit HighestBidTaken(hash);
        emit NftSold(hash, _nftHighestBidder, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds, _nftHighestBid, nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress);
        _payout(nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller, (_nftHighestBid - feesPaid));
        address[] memory addresses = new address[](nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length; i++) {
            addresses[i] = address(this);

        IPlayerselfRegistry.NFT memory _nft = registry.getNFT(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress);
        if (_nft.supportsBatch) {
            uint256[] memory balances = IERC1155(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).balanceOfBatch(addresses, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds);
            IERC1155(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), _nftHighestBidder, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds, balances, "");
        } else {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length; i++) {
                IERC721(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).safeTransferFrom(address(this), _nftHighestBidder, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds[i]);
    function _updateHighestBid(bytes32 hash) internal {
        nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid = uint256(msg.value);
        nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBidder = msg.sender;
    function _payout(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) internal {
        // attempt to send the funds to the recipient
        (bool success, ) = payable(_recipient).call{
            value: _amount,
            gas: 20000
        // if it failed, update their credit balance so they can pull it later
        if (!success) {
            failedTransferCredits[_recipient] =  failedTransferCredits[_recipient] +  _amount;
    function _reverseAndUpdateBid(bytes32 hash) internal {
        address prevNftHighestBidder = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBidder;
        uint256 prevNftHighestBid = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid;

        if (prevNftHighestBidder != address(0)) {
            _payout(prevNftHighestBidder, prevNftHighestBid);
    /** Settle & Withdraw function **/
    function settleAuction(bytes32 hash) external {
        require(!_isAuctionOngoing(hash), "Auction is still going.");
        emit NftAuctionSettled(hash, nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller);

    function withdrawAuction(bytes32 hash) external sellerOnly(hash) {
        address prevNftHighestBidder = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBidder;
        if (prevNftHighestBidder != address(0)) {
            _payout(prevNftHighestBidder, nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid);
        address[] memory addresses = new address[](nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length; i++) {
            addresses[i] = address(this);
        IPlayerselfRegistry.NFT memory _nft = registry.getNFT(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress);
        if (_nft.supportsBatch) {
            uint256[] memory balances = IERC1155(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).balanceOfBatch(addresses, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds);
            IERC1155(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds, balances, "");
        } else {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds.length; i++) {
              IERC721(nftAuctions[hash].nftAddress).safeTransferFrom(address(this), nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller, nftAuctions[hash].tokenIds[i]);
        emit NftAuctionWithdrawn(hash, nftAuctions[hash].nftSeller);
    /** Update methods **/
    function updateWhitelistedBuyer(bytes32 hash, address _newWhitelistedBuyer) external sellerOnly(hash) {
        require(_isSale(hash), "Not a sale.");
        nftAuctions[hash].whitelistedBuyer = _newWhitelistedBuyer;
        //if an underbid is by a non whitelisted buyer,reverse that bid
        address nftHighestBidder = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBidder;
        uint256 nftHighestBid = nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid;
        if (nftHighestBid > 0 && nftHighestBidder != _newWhitelistedBuyer) {
            _payout(nftHighestBidder, nftHighestBid);

        emit WhitelistedBuyerUpdated(hash, _newWhitelistedBuyer);

    function updateMinimumPrice(bytes32 hash, uint256 _newMinPrice) external sellerOnly(hash) {        
        uint256 minPrice = nftAuctions[hash].minPrice;
        bool minBidMade = minPrice > 0 && (nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid >= minPrice);
        require(!minBidMade, "Minimum bid already made.");
        require(!_isSale(hash), "Not an auction.");
        require(_newMinPrice > 0, "Invalid new min price.");
        nftAuctions[hash].minPrice = _newMinPrice;

        emit MinimumPriceUpdated(hash, _newMinPrice);
        minBidMade = minPrice > 0 && (nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid >= minPrice);

        if (minBidMade) {

    function updateBuyNowPrice(bytes32 hash, uint256 _newBuyNowPrice) external sellerOnly(hash) {
        require(!_isSale(hash) || _newBuyNowPrice > 0, "Invalid new buy now price.");
        nftAuctions[hash].buyNowPrice = _newBuyNowPrice;
        emit BuyNowPriceUpdated(hash, _newBuyNowPrice);
        bool buyNowPriceMet = _newBuyNowPrice > 0 && nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid >= _newBuyNowPrice;
        if (buyNowPriceMet) {

    function takeHighestBid(bytes32 hash) external sellerOnly(hash) {
        require(nftAuctions[hash].nftHighestBid > 0, "Cannot payout 0 bid.");

    function withdrawFailedCredits() external {
        uint256 amount = failedTransferCredits[msg.sender];
        require(amount != 0, "No credits.");

        failedTransferCredits[msg.sender] = 0;

        (bool successfulWithdraw, ) = msg.sender.call{
            value: amount,
            gas: 20000
        require(successfulWithdraw, "Withdraw failed.");
    /** Reset **/
    function _resetAuction(bytes32 auctionHash) internal {
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].minPrice = 0;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].buyNowPrice = 0;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].auctionEnd = 0;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].auctionBidPeriod = 0;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].bidIncreasePercentage = 0;
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftAddress = address(0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftSeller = address(0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].whitelistedBuyer = address(0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].tokenIds = new uint256[](0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].feeRecipients = new address[](0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].feePercentages = new uint32[](0);

    function _resetBids(bytes32 auctionHash) internal {
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftHighestBidder = address(0);
        nftAuctions[auctionHash].nftHighestBid = 0;

    function _getRecipientsAndFees(address _nftAddress, uint256[] memory _feePercentages, address[] memory _feeRecipients) internal view returns (uint256[] memory, address[] memory) {
        address[] memory recipients = new address[](
            _defaultFee > 0 && _defaultFeeRecipient != address(0) 
            ? _splitFeeRecipients[_nftAddress] != address(0) 
            ? _feeRecipients.length + 2 
            : _feeRecipients.length + 1
            : _feeRecipients.length
        uint256[] memory percentages = new uint256[](
            _defaultFee > 0 && _defaultFeeRecipient != address(0) 
            ? _splitFeeRecipients[_nftAddress] != address(0) 
            ? _feeRecipients.length + 2 
            : _feeRecipients.length + 1
            : _feeRecipients.length
        for (uint i = 0; i < _feeRecipients.length; i++) {
            recipients[i] = _feeRecipients[i];
            percentages[i] = _feePercentages[i];
        if (_defaultFee > 0 && _defaultFeeRecipient != address(0)) {
            recipients[recipients.length - 1] = _defaultFeeRecipient;
            percentages[percentages.length - 1] = _splitFeeRecipients[_nftAddress] != address(0) ? _defaultFee / 2 : _defaultFee;
            if (_splitFeeRecipients[_nftAddress] != address(0)) {
                recipients[recipients.length - 2] = _splitFeeRecipients[_nftAddress];
                percentages[recipients.length - 2] = _defaultFee / 2;

        uint256 totalPercentages = 0;
        for (uint256 k = 0; k < percentages.length; k++) {
            totalPercentages += percentages[k];
        require(totalPercentages < 1e18, "Invalid percentages.");

        return (percentages, recipients);

    /** ERC-721 receiver methods */
    function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256, bytes calldata) external pure override returns(bytes4) {
        return this.onERC721Received.selector;
    /** ERC-1155 receiver methods **/
    function onERC1155Received(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) external pure override returns(bytes4) {
        return this.onERC1155Received.selector;
    function onERC1155BatchReceived(address, address, uint256[] calldata, uint256[] calldata, bytes calldata) external pure override returns(bytes4) {
        return this.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector;
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external pure override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceID == bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)')) || interfaceID == this.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector ^ this.onERC1155Received.selector || interfaceID == this.onERC721Received.selector;


Since this contract is huge, in order to compile it and deploy it you must enable the optimization parameter and set a decent value of runs for the optimizer.

Last updated